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Hello, I have searched the forum and google but have not found a satisfactory answer to the question of poster printing.

I would like to load a larger image into either Aphoto Adesigner or Apublisher and then print the image so that it is printed on 4 A4 sheets. There should also be registration/passer marks etc. Then I would like to glue the 4 A4 pages together so that they fit perfectly. The end result should be a DIN A2 poster.

I have always done it this way in Indesign https://www.tutkit.com/de/text-tutorials/704-tipps-tricks-zu-adobe-indesign-din-a3-din-a0-auf-mehreren-din-a4-blattern-drucken .

Unfortunately, I can't find a solution in Affinity that I can understand.

Please provide step-by-step instructions, or a link to information on the web, or a statement that it does not work in Affinty.

Thank you very much





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Hi @Guenterm,

Thanks for your post and our sincerest apologies for the delayed response here!

I'm unsure if you're using Affinity on Windows or macOS - but I can confirm that the Affinity app itself does not have any such tools for 'splitting' a document automatically, however depending on your printer driver & OS, you can achieve this in the Print Dialog itself.

For example, the following is an A2 sized document in Publisher with an Image placed. When in the Print dialog, you can change the Model to Tiled and set the required amount of Overlap. This splits the image over as many required sheets based on the Paper Size- so with this set to A4, 4 sheets will be printed.

Then, under the Bleed and Marks section, I can enable bleed (if required) and the relevant Printer Marks that you want to be included on the output image.

Finally, you may need to change the Fit Type from Scale to Fit to Printable - again depending on your specific printer, as not all support borderless printing etc.


I hope this helps :)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Dan, 

same as Guenterm i'm struggling to find easy solution for splitting one one large image into multiple a4 sheets, as you can see in attached file - my printing window is different from yours (is it because of my printer? i'm using thermal printer simply because i need to print stencils on it - sometimes in larger format than a4 - hence this post) please advise what can i do to get this issue solved cause its driving me nuts;) 

thanks in advance for any kind of feedback (preferably the one i can get it sorted once and for all)



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