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Writing math formulas in Publisher

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There are mathematical formulas in the mathematics book I have prepared. (Naturally) However, I could not find how to do this in the publisher. Is there a method for this? Is there any plugin etc? I would be very pleased if you could help.

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1 hour ago, Ahmet said:

There are mathematical formulas in the mathematics book I have prepared. (Naturally) However, I could not find how to do this in the publisher. Is there a method for this? Is there any plugin etc? I would be very pleased if you could help.

Hello @Ahmet and welcome the forum.

Just recently there has been a similar question/discussion on this topic with some suggestions, see link below. There is currently no plugin or other method to natively create formulas other than putting them together from single pieces of glyphs and vector objects in Affinity Designer. Basically you'de have to create them with an external software and then place it in your Publisher file.




Affinity Suite on Windows (V2) and iPad (V2). Beta testing when available.

Windows 11 64-bit - Core i7 - 16GB - Intel HD Graphics 4600 & NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M
iPad pro 9.7" + Apple Pencil

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45 dakika önce, dominik dedi ki:

Merhaba@Ahmetve foruma hoş geldiniz.

Kısa bir süre önce bu konuda bazı önerilerle ilgili benzer bir soru/tartışma oldu, aşağıdaki bağlantıya bakın. Şu anda Affinity Designer'daki tek glif ve vektör nesneleri parçalarından bir araya getirmek dışında yerel olarak formüller oluşturmak için bir eklenti veya başka bir yöntem yoktur. Temel olarak bunları harici bir yazılımla oluşturmanız ve ardından Publisher dosyanıza yerleştirmeniz gerekir.




Thank you so much @dominik

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