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How to maintain stroke?

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In the attached example, I select the three objects on the left (the two text items and the black rectangular background), and then I do Layer > Geometry > Subtract in order to cut the letter shapes out of the rectangle.

The result is what appears on the right. Note, however, that Layer > Geometry > Subtract ignores the stroke on the word "TWO".  This is true even if I do Layer > Expand Stroke prior to Layer > Geometry > Subtract.

Is there anyway to get Layer > Geometry > Subtract to recognize the stroke and cut out the word true to size?


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I hate to be 'that guy' but expanding the stroke works for me. It may just be that you're overlooking a step or something. Could you upload either a video of your workflow or copy of the file after you have got as far as you can?

EDIT: Here's a basic example video in case it helps. Note that my text had to be converted to curves to make expanding the stroke work.



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Yes, I guess I am overlooking a step. How do you get all the little dots to appear on the letters after doing Layer > Convert To Curves, but before doing Layer > Geometry > Subtract?

When I select the letters in my example, I don't get the little dots. This is true even if I select the Node tool in the left-side panel.



Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 12.41.22.png

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