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Inconsistency With Print Form

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With Publisher, as a matter of course, I tend to work in A4 format. (Why? Because I do!)
I also am frequently called print a variable no of copies of A5 booklets.
So, my Opus Magna is ready and I turn to the Print form.
First of all I type in the no of copies and hit return.

Arrgh! It's sent the *!%@ thing off to the printer and I haven't set  the scaling.
Cancel! Cancel! Cancel!

Right, back to the form.  I'll not get caught again, so I'll set the scaling first this time.  Hit return.
Arrgh! It's sent the *!%@ thing off to the printer again and I haven't set  the no of copies this time.

I have lost count of the no of times I've done this.
Setting any other parameter doesn't generate an automatic print instruction, why should this?

And before you reply, well, don't press return, may I remind you of the old adage, "When you're up to your a**e in alligators, it's difficult to remember you came to drain the swamp".  Why should I have to remember not to use return on this occasion?

It's a d***'d annoying inconsistency. Anyone agree?

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4 minutes ago, Suetonius said:

It's a d***'d annoying inconsistency. Anyone agree?

I do! It’s not unusual for the ‘OK’ button to have the focus when you open a dialog, but if you shift the focus to somewhere else to set the scaling or the number of copies (or whatever) then hitting the Enter key or the Return key once should only confirm the new setting. It’s reasonable for the focus to shift back to the ‘OK’ button at that point, but it seems quite unreasonable for that button to do anything if the user doesn’t either click on it or press Return or Enter again.

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)

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