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Publisher internal bleed

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8 hours ago, Gianni Becattini said:

create internal (central) bleeds for a fronting-pages document?

I am not sure what you mean in particular, what problem is the printer raising?

It may help to layout the title + back cover on a common spread, possibly as a single, larger, not facing page in a separate layout document.

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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thanks for answering. The problem is not the cover but every page. The problem seems to be known also by the Indesign users. 

I understand that the problem is complex. the outer bleeds are defined by the user (i.e., you create a bigger image and APub can then transfer them to the output file. But how could do that in the inner side of facing pages? APub cannot "imagine" what you wish, I understand this.

But on the inner side (i.e., the one of the spline), it bleeds with the content of the other page, and this is not logical, obviously.

Imagine for example two opposite pages, one red and one green. APub bleeds the red page with a green stripe and the green with a red stripe, and this is not correct. I should have a green bleed on the green page and a red bleed on the red page.

Probably, I should have created a document with single pages, not two facing pages, but in that case I don't know how I could manage the large photos which extend all over the spread.

The Indesign solution, the one in the video, seems to afford the theme but I am not sure if it really solves the problem for a book with large photos.

More than 30 Macs, from 1984 Mac 512K Plus to 2020 iMac 27" i9

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2 hours ago, Gianni Becattini said:

But on the inner side (i.e., the one of the spline), it bleeds with the content of the other page, and this is not logical, obviously.

The logic has spread printing in mind (not single page prints) and gets managed in the imposition process. Actually, it wouldn't need inner bleed in this case, as you would not want to see (or get printed) on a certain page anything that results from another page.

2 hours ago, Gianni Becattini said:

Imagine for example two opposite pages, one red and one green. APub bleeds the red page with a green stripe and the green with a red stripe, and this is not correct. I should have a green bleed on the green page and a red bleed on the red page.

For content in the bleed area it requires an object with this content at this position. If the two rectangles should not overlap onto the opposite page their width is accordingly limited and do not get additional bleed in the layout. Thus there is no way for such an object (that ends in the spine on purpose) to get it exported extended by any bleed.

Theoretically, there could be a software solution developed that creates a bleed content on export automatically, e.g. by "simply" mirroring the page's content near the edge or by generating new content for the bleed via artificial intelligence. ( – but for what situations would that coding effort be useful, in particular since nowadays fully automated workflows may work with a precision that even might not need any bleed.)

1 hour ago, Gianni Becattini said:

Probably, I should have created a document with single pages, not two facing pages, but in that case I don't know how I could manage the large photos which extend all over the spread.

That could be solved (workarounded) by two instances of the image, one placed on each page, with the accordingly required horizontal coordinate ("X Position") + the wanted bleed. (thus this two bleed areas of this two pages would show identical content)

I am not sure what respond you expect in this new thread – it seems to discuss same subject, aspects or arguments as your thread three weeks ago:

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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3 hours ago, Gianni Becattini said:

The new point however was is it is possible to do like in the Indesign video that I posted.

In APub you can create the layout as facing pages document and finally switch it from facing to single pages (-> Document Properties) but – different to ID – then it is no longer a double-page document … which in APub must have two pages for every spread while only the first / last spread may have one or two pages.

If you switch in Affinity from facing to single pages it is useful first to 1.) duplicate all those objects that run across the spine (touch both pages) + 2.) adjust their inner edges (e.g. with Picture Frames or clipping rectangles) to not touch the opposite page, otherwise they might result in an unwanted position after the switch (e.g. in the pasteboard area).

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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