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Is it possible to select layers per export slice?

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I'm currently working on a mascot. The mascot will have a few different facial expressions and eye look in a few different dirations. Also, there will be variations on bod language.

I'm am currently having all these vartions in one Photo file, as the expressions share a lot. But I'd like to export them all easily. 

Is it possible to associate specific layers to an export slice, and in that way export each mascot variation without having to turn off/on layers each time?

Or is there a better way to handle this challenge of variations in one file?

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Hi @christerdk,

The ability to define which layers are included per slice for variations has come up previously in a feature request thread (linked below). I'm not aware of a way to achieve this currently.

An alternative could be to create a duplicate group/layer per design variation and therefore slice, but that may entail more work than your existing toggle visibility workflow.

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