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Affinity Photo (stand alone) V2; Nik Collection Plug in and location of AP (as an (MSIX file type) to 'add' to option

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I have converted to AP version 2 and would like to add my already purchased for DXO Nik Collection 1 to AP. (Apologies as a have a very narrow understanding of all of what I am about to ask.) When I try I cannot find a location to 'add' to the plug in.  I have tried using the Edit>Settings> Preference<Photoshop plugin>...  I had to do a search on MS (Windows 11) to find that my AP v2 is an MSIX file type; so at least I can find it.  I have done a little bit of reading - with incredibly limited understanding of it - but there seems to be an EXEMIS option for later installed versions of APv2.  I have looked at the Nik Collection software Properties and it seems limited to Windows 7.  My understanding - again very very limited - of reading around it all is that I can do some jiggery pokery to let MS Windows 11 accept the Nik Collection 1.  Is there a way of getting AP to recognise the location of the MSIX?  Just to add I don't have a clue about 32 bit and 64 bit software.  Jacqueline.

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Hi @Jacqueline,

The current installation method for Photo V2 (.EXE or MSIX) shouldn't have any impact on whether or not you can link 3rd party plugins with Photo 2, this only matters vice versa (E.G Linking a 3rd party program like Capture One to launch Photo 2).

In the case of the Nik Collection plugins, this can be linked via the Preferences > Photoshop Plugins interface you referenced earlier, make sure 'Allow unknown plugins to be used' is ticked and then press 'Add'. This will launch a windows explorer interface where you can navigate to the directory where you installed the Nik Collection Plugins, typically the default location is C:\Program Files\DxO\Nik Collection. Once you've linked the installation directory close the interface and restart the app, upon restart Photo should have detected the plugins available in this folder for use.

However due to the varying standards of 3rd party plugins it's not guaranteed that every Photoshop plugin will work with Photo, in the case of the Nik Collection 1/2018 according to DxO's official compatibility page the Nik Collection 1 is not compatible with Photo 2, it's only the Nik collection 5 and above are compatible. You may find that as a result of this even if the plugins are detected, they're not guaranteed to work unfortunately.

See the bottom of DxO's support page for the full compatibility table linked here: https://support.dxo.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409304781201-Nik-Collection-compatibility-with-OSes-third-party-software

Plugins help: https://affinity.help/photo2/English.lproj/pages/Filters/plugins.html

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