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I want to create a card game, but I didn't found a few features

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I Want to create a card game, and I'm seeing tutorials about Data Merge and stuff...

But I have a problem, I found some tutorials about other software but I prefer to use Affinity Publisher. I didn't found the same feature on affinity publisher, with is inserting images/symbols in between texts and changing their color using data merge.

I want to do exactly what this video says, but in Affinity Publisher, is that possible? 

Thanks for the help!

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@Alexandre_Noite Welcome to the forums.

You have the option of creating custom text styles within Publisher using whichever fonts are installed/available within the OS. However that part of the workflow uses GREP styles which isn't something Publisher has, it's been requested so may be a feature added in the future. 

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1 hour ago, anto said:

You can do what you want without using Grep.

Thanks for the help @anto but what I really wanted is to include Icons between texts.
My game have a variety of texts, and I want to do something like:

"This 🍃 attack causes 😖"
"If you use a 💧 move, add 3💓 to your life points"


And those texts and Icons may vary, and even have more complex effect that occupy 3 lines 4 lines of text...

Do you understand? (English is not my first language)
I will send one example, I made the "Guts" effect manually, I made this card before learning about data merge.

#068 - Machamp - M (ENG).png

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