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Thumbnails in Pages panel remain visible after closing doc and cause Publisher to hang


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Publisher V2, MacOS Big Sur

In brief: I close a publication but without quitting Publisher; the spreads thumbnails in the Pages panel don't disappear; if I accidentally double-click on one of these phantom thumbnails when resuming work, it causes Publisher to hang and I have to force quit.

The following behaviour is occurring in all/any of my current publications; it didn't happen in V1. 
It happens whether Hardware Acceleration is turned off or on.

• I close a publication I'm working on (by clicking on the red button in the working window's traffic lights), but don't quit Publisher.
• Do other things in other apps…
• Later, I click on the Publisher icon in my dock [or use cmd+tab] to bring the app to the foreground and continue working
• An empty Publisher window appears but the spreads thumbnails from the recently closed project are still visible in the Pages panel
• Now… if I unthinkingly double-click on one of those thumbnail spreads (as I would if the project were actually open) in order to work on that spread, it sends Publisher into conniptions: I get the beachball-of-death and, in the dock, Publisher shows as "Application Not Responding". Waiting a short time doesn't help; I have to force-quit Publisher and restart. The Problem Report that Apple generates indicates "Event: hang" plus a lot of technical detail that I don't know how to interpret (although I do see "SpreadGridView" in there)
• Finally, if I scroll in the Pages panel before attempting to double-click anywhere in it, then the phantom thumbnails disappear and the panel is empty, as I'd expect with no document open. (And double-clicking in this now-empty panel causes no problem.)
This bug isn't a deal-breaker: If I'm paying attention and open the document I need before attempting to work in it 🤣 then all is well. But it's kind of difficult to ignore those lingering page thumbnails. And obviously this behaviour shouldn't be happening. 

Screen Shot 2023-08-31 at 15.44.52.png

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Thank you @stokerg that's excellent news. I did search this Forum for a similar report but didn't find anything – evidently I was using the wrong search terms. 

Meanwhile, for others who end up here: the problem only occurs when I close the publication using the red close button. If I use File > Close or CMD+W then the Pages thumbnails disappear as I would expect. So that will be my short term solution.

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