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Hello, again I feel this has been discussed so please move/delete or whatever
I have a one liner about the old Lr5 smart brush "get to know the smart brush like a best friend as your best friend the brush will do so much for you"

I would really appreciate a similar smart brush in Affinity photo . In many cases when doing basic edits to photos the Lr5 brush is much faster/better than using selections tools/layers in Affinity

I could say the same about the  Lr5 graduated filter tool . In fact I don't really bother with the Ap grad tool --- too powerful makes it's too complicated to do far more than I will ever need when editing my photos . It's just so easy and simple the add one or even any number of grads to something like a sky

Phone pic off the card -- very cloudy late PM
quick paint on the with the auto mask on to up end with the last
Yes; I can and did more in Affinity but old & tired Lr5 smart brush makes it's so easy

Please 🙂


Ranfurly-23 06-04 Phn-46 w-2.jpg

1 ap 2 w.jpg

Ranfurly-23 06-04 Phn-46 w.jpg

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