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The brackets "[" and "]" to increase or decrease the size of the brush doesn't work on french keybord, so I replace the bracket by "+" and "-" to the numeric pad
It works perfectly on version 2.00 and 2.04 but doesn't on version 2.10 newly installed.
The "+" is okay but "-" don't do anything.

see attach picture as example. (pdf file because i have an error code 200 each time I want to load the jpg file)
You will see that for the "+" windows show a"=" (but it works fine)
                                         "-" windows show a"-" (but doesn't work)

For information Capture-d’ecran.pdf


DELL G5 15 5587
Processeur    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz   2.21 GHz
Mémoire RAM installée    32,0 Go (31,8 Go utilisable)
Type du système    Système d’exploitation 64 bits, processeur x64

Édition    Windows 10 Famille
Version    22H2
Installé le    ‎05/‎04/‎2022
Build du système d’exploitation    19045.2965
Expérience    Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19041.1000.0







Comme l'a dit GarryP

J'ai eu le même problème depuis la beta, et j'ai trouvé un moyen de contourner le problème :

Je suis passé en config QWERTY le temps d'assigner le - et le + en raccourci avant de retourner en configuration clavier AZERTY.

Pour cela, il faut dans un premier temps vérifier que tu as le pack anglais installé dans la section langues des paramètres.

Pour basculer en clavier QWERTY, il suffit de cliquer sur MAJ et ALT en même temps.

Een clavier QWERTY le - et le + correspondent aux touches ) et = du clavier AZERTY. une fois les raccourcis mis, tu rebascule en clavier français  en faisant MAJ+ALT et la touche - du pavé numérique  fonctionnera



As GarryP said

I had the same problem since the beta, and I found a workaround: I went to the QWERTY config for the time to assign the - and the + as a shortcut before returning to the AZERTY keyboard configuration. To do this, you must first check that you have the English pack installed in the language section of the settings. To switch to QWERTY keyboard, just click on SHIFT and ALT at the same time. In the QWERTY keyboard the - and the + correspond to the ) and = keys of the AZERTY keyboard. once the shortcuts are set, you switch back to the French keyboard by pressing SHIFT+ALT and the - key on the numeric keypad will work fine

Newbie - beta tester

  • Ordinateur 1 : Fixe> i7 14700KF - 64 Go RAM -GC : Nvida 4070 super 12Go - OS : Windows 11 Pro
  • Ordinateur 2 : Portable > I5-10210U - 16 Go RAM - INTEL UHD graphics - OS : Windows 11 Pro
  • Ordinateur 3 : Fixe > i7 7700K - 16 Go RAM -GC : Nvida 1060 6Go - OS : Windows 10 Pro
  • Software : Suite affinity V2.5.5
  • 1 month later...
  • Staff

The issue "Decrease shortcut fails in AZERTY layout" (REF: AFP-6102) has been fixed by the developers in internal build "".
This fix should soon be available as a customer beta and is planned for inclusion in the next customer release.
Customer beta builds are announced here and you can participate by following these instructions.
If you still experience this problem once you are using that build version (or later) please reply to this thread including @Serif Info Bot to notify us.

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