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Help repairing a corrupt Designer file

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Since upgrading to Affinity Designer 2, I have experienced several corrupt files after not having any after the several years of using Affinity 1.x. The most important file is attached. Is there anyway to diagnose and repair the corruption?

Thank you for any help you can provide.

rounding Down Paperback Dimensions v1 6x9.afdesign

Edited by Ziraffazog
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Welcome to the forums @Ziraffazog

Because I have added this post, your thread will now have ‘bubbled up’ to the top of the list of threads again and might get a bit more attention.

Please be aware that it’s sometimes not possible to recover corrupted documents.

I tried placing the document into a new Designer document but that didn’t work.
I also tried adding the ‘page(s)’ from the document into a new Publisher document but that didn’t work either.

Hopefully someone else will have more luck.

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  • Staff

Hi Ziraffazog,

Welcome to the forums :) I apologise for the delayed response to this thread we have been dealing with an extremely large number of posts recently and unfortunately a few threads such as this one seem to have slipped through the net. I will log this file with our developers however there is no guarantee that we will be able to repair it for you. If possible could you tell me the last edits you made to the file and if it was stored locally or on a network drive etc? Any information you can provide will go a long way towards helping us prevent issues like this in the future.


Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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