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Copy and paste table row height to other rows?

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I have a table with 3 rows and all 3 rows have different heights. 

Is it possible to copy and paste the row height to the next 3 rows and so on? Or even better, is it possible so save this pattern and if I create new rows it automatically adjusts the height of the new ones?

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Hi and welcome to the forum. No, there's not a good way to do that. But Publisher will create new rows and columns based on the last row and column's height and width.

One option is to create the table the way you like it in Excel or Numbers and then select the range of cells, copy, and paste that into Publisher. Just use the Move tool and paste onto the page when no objects are selected and Publisher will create a table with row and column sizes matching that of Excel or Numbers.


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1 hour ago, woodgrim said:

It imports the table from Numbers as lines and forms and not as table

To copy as table while keeping at least the text formating from Numbers, create a small blank table in Publisher, select all its cells and copy/paste the table from Numbers. Publisher should then create the rest of the rows and columns automatically.

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