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Ian Bardnards excellent photo effect PSD for double exposure, - ExposureX2 - Advanced Photo Effects - Ian Barnard

I've open it up in both PS and Affinity v2 (I also have v1, but not tried), and I'm trying to mimic the same output using the PSD that Ian has supplied for me to test this out on.

I can replicate the same outputs as what I could have in PS, but I can't get the final part to work :(

Its when you get to 3mins 45seconds, and the extended photo folder, I have tried to replicate that functionality but I can't :(... I can see in PS its using a clipping mask (apologies in advance if my Affinity knowledge is lacking).

My question is, how can I replicate this final eraser functionality (is it using a brush instead?) inside of Affinity v2 (or v1) so that it then shows more of the clipped layer. I've attached a screen grab of the side by side of PS and Affinity.



Affinity deals with clipping masks in a different way, in PS "white" is alpha, AP needs "real" alpha, so instead of painting with "white" you need the Eraser Tool.


This is an example, a simple stroke I did above this rectangle


If you right click on its layer and hit Mask To Below you have your clipping mask



Now to edit, you need to paint with the Eraser



For a Non destructive approach you could also do the following.

Create a second layer above the first, here I'm using a different colour to spot the difference, and group them



Set its blending mode to Erase


And then Mask To Below






And you have a sort of "multi layer clipping mask" on the fly... :)


Try following this quick tutorial, I tried to explain how to deal with mixed masks.

Hope this helps!



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