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File Truncated

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Good Morning,
Yesterday I had a big problem on my project. During a normal save of the work, the program crashed;
Opening again the project, Affinity told me that the file was truncated and that it's smaller. Opening a 2nd copy of the file, also the other one crashed.
In this moment I just wanted to know what's happened, but now i don't have any other copy of a big project which i worked for an entire week.
Is there any chance to find a solution? I checked on the affinity backups / automatic saves but didn't found anything good.

Thanks in advance.

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Do you still have one file that could be the full thing, but simply makes the app crash ?  I would try to install Designer in other PC or laptop and open it there. Maybe modifying some stuff, or simplifying nodes, or not using certain feature, etc, to curate the file a bit, and see if you can get it to a point that you can save a file that works fluidly once carried to the other PC. The developers can try to solve the issue with crash report files. These have already generated while your crashes happened. How to find the folder with  the crash reports : 


AD, AP and APub V2.5.x. Windows 10 and Windows 11. 


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