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I am trying to combine multiple pictures together but I cannot figure how to show each picture in its own layer.  The layers panel only shows one layer at a time.  When I click on other pictures the layers panel only shows the layer for the picture selected.

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you have to mask the areas that are not to be shown.


select a layer, click on the mask icon below the layers stack, select the paint brush, choose black as foreground color, click on the mask and paint on it over the areas you want to hide. you can also invert the mask (click on it, then cmd-i) and paint with white. this hides the layer and makes it appear where you paint white.


or, you can select sigle parts from an image and put them into another image. see this tutorial:


if your goal is to show the layers with transparency, try changing their opacity level and/or their blend mode.

take care,


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