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AD hangs when try to "Open Recent" a changed Finder AD filename

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This behaviour leading to AD hang and forced quit is described near the end of this thread:

I was the OP there, but this weird bug was described by another poster and i confirmed it. We both got the spinning beach ball in AD.

In short, the bug is:

1. With AD V1 open, with an open file.

2. Go to the Finder and change the open file's name.

3. Now you'll find that AD immediately shows the new, changed name in the 'open recent' menu option.

4. Attempt to open it.

5. AD hangs, needs forced quit.

However, I'm also going to suggest reading the whole above thread, because I suspect this bug is related to the one I was actually posting about there, which is that AD doesn't update its open documents' file names if you change them in the Finder. Nor can you change them by command-clicking on them. These are things that most Mac apps can do (Preview, Nisus Writer, TextEdit etc.)

So there's one actual obvious bug here, but also some underying strangeness. As described in detail in the above thread.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!


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