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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Holly, are you still experiencing this problem with 2.0.3? I think there have been other reports of problems with exporting a Publisher file with linked resources in certain situations but I haven't heard of Publisher files becoming corrupted. The linked files aren't in the document, just the path, so there is possibly another reason your file has been corrupted. Are there any other details you can share?

I also noticed you posted similar questions in two other threads so perhaps your issue is already resolved or in the process of being resolved.



yes i got the previous publisher file corrupted and recovered by the team here. 

and i have another corrupted file needed to be saved!

i know the linked files are not embedded in the files but just links - yet they don't update automatically once the linked files themselves are updated

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Fred and welcome to the forum. I don't know much about artboards but it looks like you've encountered an issue with an artboard. While I couldn't open or place this in Designer, I was able to use this file in Publisher. Try these steps.

  1. Create a new document in Publisher - you might as well create it with the same page size as your Designer file to make it easy for yourself.
  2. Choose Document > Add Pages from File. You will be prompted to convert artboards to spreads. Click Yes.
  3. Then you'll be shown the Add Pages from Files window - don't change anything and just click OK.

With the resulting document you should be able to copy and paste the content back to Designer to create a clean document.


  • 4 weeks later...
  • Staff

Hi @hollytuen apologies on the late reply,

If you still want us to try and recover your file, could you upload your file to the below dropbox link:


Also, could you confirm the below in regard to the file:

  1. Which Operating System are you using?
  2. Which version of Affinity did the file last get saved in?
  3. What drive type was the file last saved to (select more than one if needed)?
    Local disk
    USB disk/Flash disk
    Google Drive folder
    OneDrive folder
    iCloud folder
    Dropbox folder
    Network location
    Other (please specify)

4. Any other information you think would help us try to find the problem?


Many Thanks 🙂

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