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AD2 simple repeatable crash only when performance "Enable OpenCL compute acceleration" is on

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The attached file has a png background and three triangles as simple curves. To recreate:

  1. the crash turn on Hardware Acceleration OpenCL.
  2. Select the Node tool.
  3. Zoom in a long way to the lower right corner. I used Ctrl Mouse wheel to zoom.
  4. Move the a node on the lower right corner around some. The application will crash. There does not seem to be any crash report.

This may also happen on the Version 1. I paid to upgrade because of a similar crash which I did not report and assumed that Version 2 would have fewer bugs. I am disappointed that the management chose to release a new version with so many bugs and so few new features.

I will be not be able to respond much during the festive time so further inquiries may not be immediate but I am still interested in progress. Thank you

Triangle 30 60 90 pmg uv export.afdesign

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