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Auto open last project

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Can someone please confirm this for me… I'm a total newb here and new to AP so please forgive my lack of know how. I could have sworn the second time I opened AP that it opened the last project I was working on. I believe I deselected this function and now cannot locate turning it back on. Is my memory correct or is it slipping?… If the selection is here can someone point me to it. Thanks.

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Thanks for the quick response. I have this selected but it is not performing as it should? I would hate to have to trash the AP preferences. Is there a reset for this somewhere? Maybe the next update this can be check/corrected.. 

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  • Staff



We have looked into this, the feature wasn't working for myself due to the option "Close Windows when quitting an app" being enabled in the Macs System Preferences > General.


This is by design, as if the document is closed before the app it has nothing to re-open.


If you ensure that option is disabled, and the option in Affinity is enabled the restore feature should work for you, let me know if you have any issues.

Serif Europe Ltd. - www.serif.com

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