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Working on SMB share don't work – only mac problem? only V1 problem?

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our workflow is based on the use of network volumes. ridiculously, adobe has not been able to support this officially. But it worked stable for us.
Also all affinity programs worked with network shares so far. Now we have turned off AFP and only use SMB. Adobe has no problem with it, but I can't open or save native Affinity files (designer/photo/publisher) on the network anymore. Local files work.

  • Is it official that Affinity does not support working on the network?
  • Is this limitation also on windows or only on mac (MacPro 5.1 macOS 10.14.6)?
  • Can the current V2 versions work on the network?
  • Is there at least hope in the long term? Or do we have to burn in adobe hell forever?

MacPro 5.1, MacOS 10.14.6 (10.13.6), TrueNAS 13.0-U3

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Hi @ineptand Welcome to the Forums,

I know @Leighuses a SMB setup at home, with AFP disabled and doesn't have any issues opening Files or Saving them.  However there are odd things happening with SMB shares, mainly if they aren't connected when you open the app, it can cause some issues opening the app as mentioned here and we will get those logged with the Developers.  We would always advice not work directly from a network drive as Affinity files can be rather large and if there's any connection issues when saving, it could cause a corrupt file.  Having said that, i know people who do work directly from a network drive and have no issues.

I did find this post from someone else who couldn't open files from their SMB and apparently the advice in that post will resolve it.  It's not something we have tested directly as in all our tries here in Tech with SMBs, it's just worked.  

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