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What happened to the scissors-tool?


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What happened to the scissors-tool? In version you could still drag along a path and find and set the correct intersection point. In the current version, the scissors no longer appear at all, but a cut is made immediately and when moving, it switches back to the knife tool. I would like it back like in the

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Hi @Libbi,

As far as I'm aware nothing between nothing has intentionally changed between 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 which affected the knife tool, and I'm getting the exact same behaviour as on desktop with the knife tool to break open curves at a set target node/tapping to break an open curve which uses the built in scissor cut feature. Could you possibly provide more detail on your issue (possibly a screen recording demonstration aswell)?


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On the Mac the icon change at first to a knife. If you select a line it change into a scissors. You can now slide along a line until you find the position to set the cut. Click and you cut the line at this position. Very nice. This happened exactly on my iPad in Version with a Apple Pencil 1.

In Version it changed to this


You select the knife - but there is no knife icon. If you select a line, it didn't change to a scissors, but for a second you see a cutting mark. If you try to move this cutting mark, it seems to be change back to the knife mode and it will place cutting points along the movement. The only way to find now the right cutting point, is place the pencil at first click on the right position on the line. This is freehand with iPad and pencil not so easy as is look like. The version was like on the Mac and much better.

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