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Table rows in master locked.

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I have this master, and in this there is a table with one column and three rows. I know that the table when applied to pages will have a different amount of content per row, so I want it to be adjusted to the format. So I have hit "Autofit Row to Contents".


However, when I get to the page where this is applied, it appears that the format has "forgotten" this, and evenly distribute the rows instead. And annoyingly the bottom of the table has come off its point and become a lot "shorter".

I cannot edit the table, of course, as it is past of the master (frame has 'x's on it). The only way to make the table now fit is to edit as attached or detached, which means that if I edit the master (changing the color or something) the changes elsewhere won't propagate to those pages.

How do I get the table to distribute the rows AND stick to its position at the same time?

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