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I most have missed the tutorial somewhere, howmwouldmyounin AP edit only certain objects in your photo? Suppose you just wanted to dodge and burn the sky,the go in and lighten the rocks then rocks.


I guess I'm asking is there local,adjustments like capture one has. Still love this program, have put all the other ones down but want to know how to do local adjustments.




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Hi Gary,

Do you want to do it in Develop Persona or Photo Persona?

You can use Overlays in Develop Persona to constrain adjustements to certain areas. Check this video tutorial to learn how. It shows how to apply an adjustement to a Gradient Overlay, but you can use use a Brush overlay to paint the areas you want to be affected by the adjustment. The process is the same.

In Photo Persona you can use adjustment's masks to achieve the same or you can use selections to create layers for each part of the image you want to adjust individually and nest the adjustements to them. Here's another video that may help.

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