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Colors changing on exported and emailed jpeg images AD

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Specifically, when I have been sending an jpeg image through iMessage to my phone-- and also the same thing happened when I tried sending an export jpeg through hotmail-- the colors shifted.  They became much more saturated and the shadow areas became a dark black color. 


I have never had this problem before.  Additionally older images that I have made in AD export just fine.  So I am very confused.  Just to test that it's only happening to AD, I sent a jpeg to my phone that was exported from a program called ArtRage and nothing changed there.


Any help would be much appreciated. 


First image file saves and transfers just fine as a jpeg-- "Simple Nativity Scene"


Second image not so much.  "Design4."


I'm not sure what the difference in these two document files might be, but I suspect it has something to do with the document setup. 


Again, I'm exporting to JPEG at 1000 pxls (image still looks fine on the computer) but when I send it via instant message and hotmail the colors are fugitive.  I have an iphone 4s, latest upgrade. 

simple nativity scene.afdesign


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