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Windows 10 build 19043.1320

Is hardware acceleration ON or OFF?




What happened for you (and what you expected to happen)?



I copied a graphic with a hyperlink (an ad in our digital magazine), pasted it on a new page, then changed the graphic to a new ad and updated the hyperlink with right click > Interactive > edit hyperlink to a new hyperlink. When I export to a PDF, the original hyperlink from the copied graphic is in the PDF, not my new updated hyperlink. I checked the Affinity Pub file, and the graphic has the correct new hyperlink when I right click and select Interactive > edit hyperlink, but it has the old original graphic hyperlink when exported to PDF.

I tried deleting the hyperlink and re-entering it on the new graphic with right click > Interactive > edit hyperlink, but that did not work. The PDF export still has the wrong link. I deleted the new bad graphic and copied copied the old graphic again, replacing the image and the external hyperlink with right click > Interactive > edit hyperlink -- same thing. Even though the afpub file shows the proper new external hyperlink via Interactive > edit hyperlink, when I export it to PDF, the graphic in the PDF has the old original external hyperlink, not the updated one that shows in the afpub file. 



Provide a recipe for creating the problem (step-by-step what you did). 


I have included the afpub file (attached) with the original graphic on the first page and the new updated graphic on the third page. I have also included the exported PDF that shows the page 3 graphic in the PDF has the original page 1 graphic URL. You should be able to copy the Model Trees Store ad on page 1, paste it where the ITLA ad copy goes on page 3, then update it with the ITLA graphic (attached), edit the hyperlink and then save. Now export the 4 pages to PDF and you will find the ITLA ad URL goes to Model Trees, not the new ITLA link!

Screenshots (very handy) or a screen capture/video:


Attached is what the afpub file shows and what the PDF link is. Not what's in the afpub!

Any unusual hardware?


This is an Intel NUC 10 i7 tall connected to a 55" 4K monitor. The Intel NUC 10 i7 tall is a new computer and I installed the latest Affinity Publisher 10.1.4 on this computer.

--Joe Fugate, MRH Media LLC

ITLA Ad 770 x 1000px Grimsby (1) - Nick Masney.png


141.MRH21-11-test.afpub 141.MRH21-11-test.pdf

  • Staff

This is most strange if you remove the hyperlink from the ITLA graphic and then add it again rather than editing the original hyperlink it exports correctly to the PDF, I will look into this further in the meantime can you please use this workaround.

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