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I am a bag designer and am having issues with pattern pieces. I cannot seem to get pattern pieces to scale down accurately. If you look at the uploaded pic, the black is the main pattern piece, the pink is the accurate scaling that I had to tweak using those little short black lines to accurately set the distance between both curves. The green shape is what happens when all I do is use the "Transform" box to resize the shape. As you can see, there's a fair bit of tweaking that has to be done. I have tried looking for videos on this issue, but nothing actually addresses this issue.


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Hi @Abtrenholm,

Sorry to hear you're having trouble and our sincerest apologies for the delayed response here.

Unfortunately I'm not 100% certain of the best method for this, so I'd like to request a copy of your actual document so that I can test using this and provide some feedback for you.

Can you please upload this to the below link for me, the once it has been uploaded reply here to me know?


Many thanks in advance!

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