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Feature Request: Improved Frequency Separation

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I like to introduce a improved Frequency Separation:
I duplicate the Layer 2 times: The bottom one I blurred with the filter Median Blur for example by 10px.

With the Filter Apply Image a make the following. I select the top Copy of the layer and load the blurred layer as source, activate formulars:
DR=(DR-SR)/2+0.5; DG=(DG-SG)/2+0.5; DB=(DB-SB)/2+0.5; DA=1 to calculate the High frequency Layer. The set the Blend mode to Linear Light to blend it with the blurred layer.

The filter Median Blur in comparison with the filter Gaussian Blur, witch is used in the filter Frequency Separation calculate not such halloos at edges in the picture. The High frequency layer is much better to rework with the stamp tool specially near edges, and the luminance was located more on the blurred layer.

I recommend following:

1.      Add a checkbox to choose Blur Mode in the Frequency Separation dialog. (Gaussian Blur (Standard) and Median Blur (Option).

2.      Add Store custom Presets in the Filter Apply Image dialog to store the formulars.

I attached a image file with a comparison of the frequency Separation and a picture with the formulars in the Filter Apply Image I used.


Layers_Exampe file.jpg


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