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Designer 1.9.1 export crash

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  • Staff

Hi StephenSillitoe,

Would you be able to attach the source document you're trying to export please? Without the source we won't be able to reproduce the crash. If you could also attach the crash report that appears that would also be helpful. If you've already dismissed this, you can check the Mac's Console app for it in 'Crash Reports'.

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Hi, regarding my export crashing. Last night it was fine but having updated to Designer 1.9.1 this morning the App now quits when I try to export this file to TIFF or JPEG. I need to be able to export it for print. I've attached the original file this time. It is very complex and it does push my ageing MacBook Pro 2012, 16gb RAM and 1Tbyte SSD. I get occasional colour wheel cursor, I'm guessing the graphics card is the bottle neck. Other files export ok so far.


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  • Staff

Thanks for the file! I've replicated the crash here. 

I'm not sure if you're aware you're document has physical measurements of 1.1x1.68 metres which equates to a lot of pixels when using 300DPI. Generally items going for print at that size don't need to be 300DPI as they're never viewed that close up? I know there is a 4GB file limitation for TIFF files so it could be this that is causing problems, but you do say its also JPGs as well. I will get this passed over to development to look into.

In the meantime judging by your filename I would assume its a book cover so you're likely not going to need anything bigger than A4? The best way to export this out  (to avoid resizing your original document and risk ruining any of the many layer effects) is to create a new document using the physical measurements you want to export to. Once thats done go to File > Place and place your document above making sure it fills the page extents (be careful of the aspect ratio) and then go to Layer > Rasterise. This will generate (it took a minute or so to rasterise for me) a single pixel layer. If you then go to File > Export > TIFF that should hopefully allow you to export your file out to a TIFF

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