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I want to buy affinity products, I often design apps and other things with  a friend. so I asked myself the question, if you can colaborate live with the other person, who will buy affinity designer and or photo, too, like in Adobe XD.

You see luve, what the other changes and you can do changes at the same time!

I would love to have this feature,



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi @gamersi,

Welcome to the Affinity Forums :)

My apologies for the delayed response here, we are extremely busy following our 1.9 update and working from home is unfortunately extending our response window to be longer than normal, many thanks for your continued patience and understanding here.

On 2/9/2021 at 7:25 PM, gamersi said:

I often design apps and other things with  a friend. so I asked myself the question, if you can colaborate live with the other person, who will buy affinity designer and or photo, too, like in Adobe XD.

Unfortunately this isn't currently supported in the Affinity apps, only one user can edit the document at one time.

This has however been requested previously on our forums and is something our developers may add in a future version - therefore I'll move this thread to the Feedback section of our forums for our devs to see and consider.

I hope this helps! 

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