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Adaptive Scaling in Publisher?

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Is there a feature in Publisher that allows you to change the size of an existing document? I do a lot of adverts for magazines where the content is largely the same but the size of the actual advert changes. In Quark you can apply adaptive scaling to an existing layout which results in everything in that document being resized to fit the new document size.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi @Guy Moultrie,

My sincerest apologies for the delayed response here!

I can confirm that you can change the size of your Spreads in Publisher at any time, including the options to rescale the objects to match the new spread size.

Please see our help file where this is covered - https://affinity.help/publisher/English.lproj/index.html?page=pages/Pages/spreadSetup.html?title=Spread setup

I hope this helps :)

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