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"Sculpt" Tool needs a more descriptive name

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I was incredibly excited to see that Affinity Designer had a "sculpt" feature for lines as the line sculpting workflow is something I love in Blender's Grease Pencil Tool and have wanted something similar in a regular vector program. For reference, in my experience line "sculpting" refers to the ability to toggle between a set of subtools to reshape a line and perform other operations such as changing line width on the fly using a tool that feels more like a brush than a cursor selecting individual nodes.

I was saddened to discover that the Affinity Designer "sculpt" feature appears to have nothing to do with actually "sculpting" a line. It simply enables one to extend an existing curve object.

There's nothing wrong with the feature itself. It's just that the name is incredibly non-descriptive for its actual function. Calling it something like "Extend" would be much more clear.

I will continue to hope that someday a true line sculpting tool will be added to AD (maybe there is one and I just haven't found it yet).

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  • 10 months later...
On 12/14/2020 at 10:14 PM, coyo said:

I was saddened to discover that the Affinity Designer "sculpt" feature appears to have nothing to do with actually "sculpting" a line. It simply enables one to extend an existing curve object.

I just stumbled upon this comment while searching for another thread. The ‘Sculpt’ feature has everything to do with sculpting a line! It just so happens that it can also be used to extend the object instead of only reshaping it.


Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)

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  • 1 year later...

Totally agree! The sculpting tool, in fact, would be the one that the Blender Grease Pancil offers! A kind of brush where you remodel the vectors in a much more practical way and with satisfactory results! The function that Affinity offers is extremely irritating and inaccurate. Another feature that would be very welcome would be the smart fill, where you use a special paint bucket to fill in empty spaces quickly turning them into a vector! The solution adopted is also complex and confusing.

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