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Does Affinity Publisher (Mac) support the import of InDesign’s interactive Bookmarks? They seem not to be imported when opening an IDML file on Affinity Publisher (Mac) (trial version). I am looking for an InDesign alternative; QuarkXpress does not support Bookmarks either. Thank you.

Affinity Publisher Beta 2.2.O (1931), MacOS 12.6.8, MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2018).

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Hi @SC2020,

Welcome to the forums and my sincerest apologies for the delayed response here - due to the ongoing pandemic we are all working remotely and our Black Friday sale has increased our response time temporarily. We're working hard to stay on top of things, so we thank you for your patience and understanding here.

Unfortunately we don't currently support InDesigns Interactive Bookmark feature when importing .IDML documents, my apologies

Support for 'Bookmarking' in Affinity Publisher has only just been implemented in our beta app and is in a very early phase - as you're using the trial version you cannot access the beta version however.

This means that version 1.9 will most likely support Bookmarks within Affinity Publisher, however I cannot be certain that IDML importing will be supported yet. As this feature is still being worked on, there is certainly scope for this to be added in the future.

I hope this helps :)

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