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Adjustable double tap timing

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I love using this app on my iPad with pencil, but I use the pen tool a lot and work fast but 50% of the time my taps get registered as double taps and it forces a ton of undos.

i wanted to request the option for user set timing for double taps (shorter or longer, etc.)

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Welcome to the Serif Affinity Forums, Rolento. :)

If you have a second-generation Apple Pencil you should be able to adjust the double-tap speed via ‘Settings > General > Accessibility > Apple Pencil’. I don’t think it’s possible to adjust the speed for a first-generation Apple Pencil.

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)

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  • 5 months later...

Single-taps being registered as double-taps and making the app do crazy, unwanted things was driving me mad until I found you can turn off most double-tap actions in Affinity Designer’s settings (behind the gear on the app’s home screen). What a blessing that Serif gave us the option to turn them off! I still have to contend with the Zoom level going nuts sometimes when I tap to select a layer, but that’s much less of an annoyance than trying to move an object and having the program blast into node-editing mode and start moving a node instead. Even with the app’s good undo system, it induces a mini heart-attack to find yourself accidentally ruining your carefully tuned pen curves!

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