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Change stroke width along outline

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I am assuming there is no way to vary the stroke width on different sides of a polygon (created using the Polygon Tool) - I would have to draw each line individually with a pen.

However, let's say I have created a composite, such as below.


Each hex is a separate polygon (Grouped with the ellipse in the center), and I aligned them and grouped them to create this "megahex." Is there an easy way to put a thicker border along the outer edges, like below? Or will that require constructing the entire megahex manually so that the outer edge is a separate curve?




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An alternative might be to Group the hexagons and then add an Outline Effect to the group, as in my attached image.
Be aware though that using an Effect will cause the group to be rasterised upon export (which may, or may not, be a problem for you in this particular case).
Note: See also the next post about rounded courners.

Screenshot 2020-11-16 095053.png

Edited by GarryP
Added extra note.
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