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Crash/data loss when working with nested symbols


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I just experienced a very strange bug when working with symbols:

I copied a symbol, and modified some things. I then noticed that my changes also affected the original, which was unintended by me, but correct behaviour by Affinity Designer. However: The change was not undoable! I tried to undo, and Affinity Designer started undoing changes I made before duplicating the symbol, but the symbol remained in the incorrect state, messing up my layout and effectively causing data loss. Fortunately, I was able to restore an older copy from a recent backup. 

I tried to reproduce the problem; unfortunately, I wasn't able to. 

However, I did manage to flat out crash Affinity Designer. (That isn't as bad as flat out losing data though).

I've attached a test file; here are the steps:

  • Cmd+C the lower green circle (the symbol)
  • Unfold the other symbol that contains the rectangle; unfold the circle symbol within that; select the Ellipse. 
  • Paste the symbol
  • Try selecting/moving the green circles. Selection behaves very strangely, and, even though I can't tell the exact steps, Affinity always crashes within a few seconds.

I've attached a video (towards the end, Affinity simply disappears) & crash report.

I'll try to reproduce my original bug, I hope I can figure that one out.

PS: I know that what I do doesn't make a lot of sense, but it happens by accident easily.

Affinity Designer_2020-11-04-232230_Julians-MacBook-Pro.crash crash.afdesign

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Hi Apfel,

Thanks for letting us know. The issue you encountered with Undo is something we're aware whereby some symbols can become unlinked after doing an unlock operation.

Also thanks for attaching the file and video - I've reproduced that and have passed it onto development. It does look similar to one crash we have logged, although the causes do look slightly different.

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  • 2 months later...

Symbols crashes Affinity designer

When I scale and copy a dozen simple symbols (based of three triangles) Affinity Designer crashes every time now.

It only happens when I use Alt-shift-drag. When using copy and paste it works fine.

Edited by Hans Roos
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