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The Color Cast When Direct Print as PDF in Affinity Designer

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Dear Affinity Support,

Actually I have reported about Color Cast when Direct Print as PDF, that the color look bright (like the RGB Color) in Bug Affinity Publisher for Windows, now I should report again that this phenomenon also occurred in Affinity Designer when exporting to PDF through menu PRINT then exporting as PDF, the color format & color profile same as document, however when exporting to PDF through menu EXPORTING the color in normal as CMYK.

For clear information I attached some screeen shot and related PD files & *afdesign.

Please help me I'm seriously got the problem with this phenomenon.

Awaiting ASAP reply & advise.

Thanks you for the attention.

Best regards,

*Result when Print as PDF

Direct Print as PDF screenshot.jpg


*Result when Exporting as PDF

Export as PDF screenshot.jpg


*Print Setting during Print as PDF

Print Setting as PDF.jpg


*Export Setting as PDF/X-4 (High Press)

Print Settup EXPORT as PDF X-4.png


*Document Setup: Color Format : CMYK/8, Color Profile: Japan Color 2001 Coated



Document Setup as CMYK Color.jpg

Tes Color.afdesign Export as CMYK PDF.pdf Tes Color_CMYK Direct Print as PDF.pdf

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Dear All,

To complete my report please find enclosed two PDF with same documents, one Direct Print as PDF in CMYK and another as RGB:

*PDF File created through menu Print as PDF CMYK Color (Japan 2001 Coated)

Direct Print to PDF as CMYK.jpg


*PDF file created through menu Print as RGB Color

Direct Print to PDF as RGB.jpg

As you can see both result appear to be reserved, which in CMYK the color result "Bright", however in RGB the color to be "Soft".

Please investigate it and give the suggestion how solve this phenomenon.

Awaiting the information and thank you for your kind attention.

Best regards,



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  • 2 months later...

What was the answer here? I'm having the same problem: I have an image that looks perfect in Affinity and looks terrible every time I export to PDF. I've tried all sorts of combinations of export presets and color profiles and all I want is a PDF that looks just like what my Affinity document looks like. How can I troubleshoot this?


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