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mistake in layout in embedded pdf

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when I embed a pdf-File in my document the layout of the pdf-File gets messed up, see attached screen shot (the numbers should be in the fields, not somewhere else, and they are in the embedded document). Is there any explanation for this issue? Are there settings I can maybe adjust to keep this from happening? The tiny blue letters are not part of the embedded pdf-document and are not printed, they seem to be only typographical letters, like a pilcrow. This mistake does/did not occur in Adobe.


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Welcome to the forums! When you embedd / link a PDF in 1.8.5x the PDF is interpreted, means it is editable like when you open the PDF in Illustrator. If fonts are missing for example, there some deviations because of font replacement or incorrect interpreting the content of the PDF. In the upcoming 1.9x versions there will be Passthrough as you know it of ID, means the PDF will be placed un-interpreted and printed correctly although it still can differ how it looks when placed. I hope this will be fixed in later versions.

14 hours ago, hannes... said:

The tiny blue letters are not part of the embedded pdf-document and are not printed, they seem to be only typographical letters, like a pilcrow.

This is correct. You can hide the Special Characters from the Text menu if they bother you.

EDIT: When you convert the PDF to EPS and place it in APu, the fonts will be converted as curves and the document looks like it should ... just as a workaround.

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