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Adding pages ruins layout after them (possibly irreperably)

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Despite the 1.8.5 update, a problem I'd reported before is still happening. If I add one or more pages, it's very likely (a near certainty, in fact) that I will experience broken layout for the rest of the document. Some pages won't have all elements of the master page while some will have the master on the wrong layer order. If I try to simply reapply the master, this breaks several pages in bizarre ways such that it's better (or at least was when I encountered this months ago) for me to fix each affected page manually. Now, though, I'm encountering some problems that seem impossible to fix, such as a text box that disappears if I try to bring back the picture frame behind it that had itself disappeared. What's causing this and what do I do to fix it? I've attached the sample file (part of the full file, which as I recall exhibited the behavior despite being only part of the original) I submitted back in April.

I will note that even trying to recreate the entire document from scratch back in April caused this same problem to manifest, so it appears to be either a bug in Publisher or some kind of corrupted formatting that's somehow pasting over in the frame text, which I think I filtered through Notepad first though I did also try to copy standalone frames.

METAL WORLD diagnosis sample.afpub

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I notice that the text frames on the master page are not linked whereas you appear to have manually linked the individual frames on the spreads. Can you describe the process of adding a page I'm guessing it takes a lot of flowing text through the frames which is where the problem may be coming from

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I right-click in the Pages panel and click Add Pages. I then tell it where to insert the new pages. I make sure Master Page lists Master A.

I'll mention that I didn't link the Master Page text frames because I wanted to be able to insert those special pages that go between regular pages, like full-page illustrations or full-page sidebars.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Adding two pages before page 1 of  my 92 page book causes the previous first page to be blank, and the second of the two inserted pages appears to have text in it because the misspelling underlines are shown, but no text.

The spread with the now page 2 and 3 has twice as many text frames as before.

Before inserting pages I have 4 Frame Texts on the first page of the book; the introductory matter, using the inside a single "Intro + TOC Master - 2 Pages" layer:

  1. Intro Right Content (IntroductionPThe...)
  2. Intro Left Content
  3. Intro Right Page Num
  4. Intro Left Page Num

(See the BeforeAddingTwoPagesBeforePage1.png screen capture.)

After inserting the two pages, all of the text on the first page is missing/invisible.

Also, there are now 8 Frame Texts listed in the Layers panel, 4 in each of two layers:

A. "Intro + TOC Master - Right" layer:

  1. Intro Right Content (IntroductionPThe...)
  2. Intro Left Content
  3. Intro Right Page Num
  4. Intro Left Page Num

B. "Intro + TOC Master - Left" layer:

  1. Intro Right Content
  2. Intro Left Content
  3. Intro Right Page Num
  4. Intro Left Page Num

(See the AfterAddingTwoPagesBeforePage1.png screen capture.)

I can't easily select the invisible text because it is unclear which layer/text frame it is on.






Edited by JimProuty
mentioned missing text
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  • 6 months later...

I am also having this problem. I have typeset an entire 400 page book then when I added a few pages to the beginning, the pages no longer flow left>right>left>right, some of them stop flowing altogether, some of them flow left>left or right>right and my chapter heading master pages no longer are aligned with the actual chapter headings, so there will be a page where a blank master page will supercede the text and the actual chapter heading will appear on a "normal" page later without it's special layout.  This is very frustrating.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 years later...

Some days, I have to say that I wonder if InDesign is not perhaps worth it's salt. This problem is ridiculous. I spent LITERALLY WEEKS working on a most beautiful layout. I was silly, I didn't start my page on the right, because I wanted to see full spreads developing. Now, if I add a page and before and after, and set it to start on the right, as it should for any book, the rest of the document is f***ed. 

This is stupid. 

It's been 4 years since the start of this thread. 

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