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Edit text in linked frames

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I have spent hours trying to find out how to edit text in linked frames.

I have two linked frames in 2 colums on one page but can't select any text in the first (left hand) frame.

I can select the left hand frame but when I try to select a word to edit a word it higlights text in the right hand linked frame.


How di i do this please?

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It sounds you experience a reported bug which appears to be fixed in the current beta versions, e.g. APub v1.9.0.742  or  AD v1.9.0.2.

The problem has been reported to occur in different situations and to be related to certain characters or text styles. It is therefore hardly possible to tell a general workaround, although there may be one in your specific context.


macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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Interestingly I had a problem where the program locked up when I tried to change text styles. I downloaded the latest version and did an update I am now on version


As a workaround I dragged the right hand linked frame off the page to an area below the left hand frame and then I managed to edit the what was then the upper frame.

A bit of a messy way to do things as I couldn't see the text lower doaw as it dissapears off the background.

Does this get reported as a bug?

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28 minutes ago, Bitterend said:

I am now on version

26 minutes ago, Bitterend said:

Does this get reported as a bug?

According to your app version number it seems you are working in Windows, right? – The bug report I mentioned above and also the linked beta versions are related to macOS. I don't know in which way Windows also was involved in either bug report or bug fix, you might search / find them in their according forums.

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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