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Affinity Freezes in Export Persona

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So AD freezes when I am working with many slices in the Export Persona. AD becomes unresponsive when I am ticking check boxes next to slices or trying to select export presets when multiple layers are selected and I have to close Affinity from the Task Manager in Windows. 

I am using the latest version 1.8.5

This happens on my both systems with Intel i7, 32 GB RAM, and AMD Threadripper 2920x 64 GB RAM.

The working file is not complex or super large. 

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15 hours ago, SPaceBar said:

Hi Robert,

Would you be able to upload a video of this happening please and can you also upload your file to this dropbox folder so I can take a closer look please?

Hi I have uploaded you the file to dropbox. 

The export persona in the video froze when I clicked on a layer and copied export settings and tried to shift select all other layers from "iGuide to Experimental" and copy export settings. I am not sure if it is that visible from the video. 

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