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Open RAW in Affinity Persona

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I'm trying to open several untouched RAW images from Lightroom in AFP, which opens them automatically in the Develop Persona. This would not be a problem, except in order to work with the photos as layers, I'm forced to "Develop" the images which seems to automatically do some level of color correction, even after ensuring that any alterations are unchecked.


I assume that there is a way to "Develop" the image to create the modified version that I can layer on top of each other without any actual modifications being made. I just can't find it! Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Hi Caseygrove,


Welcome to the forums :)


The Assistant within Affinity Photo will automatically make some adjustments in the Develop Persona. To turn off the Assistant you will need to click the icon that looks like a butler towards the top right of the App (See attached). Once you have turned the Assistant off you will need to reopen any RAW files you already had open in the Develop Persona. I hope this helps :)




Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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Hi Callum,


Thanks for the note. I disabled the Assistant, and while this helped, the program still removes several hot pixels. Since I'm doing dark-frame subtraction, I actually need the imperfections in the image. I've pasted links to before and after images of the Develop, if they help.


Before - http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a96/skilletfan_1/Screen%20Shot%202015-08-13%20at%201.03.00%20PM.png

After - http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a96/skilletfan_1/Screen%20Shot%202015-08-13%20at%201.03.23%20PM.png

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