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Hello everyone. I have a similar problem with the program freezing up. My computer is strong enough for it to handel anything, so there is no problem with that. I draw with affinity photo and not long into the process and the program freezes. I can't change tools and I can't click on anything else. The only thing I can do is minimize the window, but that is all. The canvas size is not big and I don't have much else open which could cause the freeze. I do use a wacom tablet and windows 10. If there is a solution to that I would be grateful. I have been waiting to have a strong enough pc to use such a program properly, so it's quite the let down now that it freezes up.

Already thanks for any help.


Hey there Gabe,

I don't want to sound rude, but which comment do you mean? I think we have three types of freezes here, so it might get a bit tricky to tell which one you are referring to. 

If you meant the freeze I get, it's just opening a new document after starting Photo, pick a brush and start to "sketch/draw". That's all. 

  • Staff

Sorry @Malapa. I split this into its own thread. 

Try this: 

Close Photo. Navigate to %AppData%\Affinity\Photo\ and rename 1.0 to 1.0.backup. Reopen Photo and see if it still crashes. 

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