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Hello everyone,

I'm new to the Affinity Suite but I think that i've encountered an export bug with Affinity Designer for iPad (1.8.3).
I've designed a business card for a friend and we decided to use the Papyrus font which suits his drawings.
However, when exported as a PDF file, the spacing between letters is incorrect and looks weirds.
This also breaks some designs because of misalignments in the entire document.
Since the business cards contains his contact informations, I've created a test document to demonstrate my problem.

I've tried many different settings but the only fixes I've found are to rasterize the font during export, or to convert the fonts as curves (not sure if this is the correct term).
To make sure that I wasn't missing something, I've downloaded the trial version of Affinity Designer for macOS (1.8.3).
With the same parameters, the text exported with the macOS version doesn't show the same problem as with the iPad version.

You'll find the sample .afdesign file, PDF exports done with both macOS and iPad versions and screenshots of my export settings.
Some more info : I'm using a brand new iPad Pro 11" (the 2020 model), so I don't think I've had enough time to break anything 😁

Thank you very much for reading and let me know if this is user error or if it is actually a bug.

Best regards,

iPad Settings.PNG

MacOS Settings.png

Papyrus iPad.pdf Papyrus macOS.pdf Papyrus.afdesign

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