beast Posted February 20, 2020 Posted February 20, 2020 When I started AffPub up today (by dragging and dropping my file onto the application icon), text was very badly rendered (see screenshot below). This has happened before but does NOT occur every time. For example, later in the day I restarted AffPub exactly the same way (though after earlier mods to the document (simply adding text) and the text rendering was fine. Performance prefs unchanged from default. Am using a MBP Retina 15" (early 2013, 2.4Ghz) with 8gb RAM, High Sierra and AffPub 1.7.3.
Staff Patrick Connor Posted April 17, 2020 Staff Posted April 17, 2020 Sorry. Thank you for reporting a problem using 1.7.x . It appears that a member of the Affinity QA team didn't get round to fully investigating this specific report posted in the bugs forums. We are very sorry for this oversight. Yours is one of a number of reports that I am posting this apology to, using an automated script. Now we have released 1.8.3 on all platforms containing many hundreds of bug fixes, and we hope your problem has already been fully addressed. If you still have this problem in the 1.8.3 release build, then the QA team would really appreciate you reporting again it in the relevant Bugs forum. Report a Bug in Affinity Designer Report a Bug in Affinity Photo Report a Bug in Affinity Publisher Each of those links above contains instructions how best to report a bug to us. If that is what you already did in this thread just copy paste your original report into a new thread. We appreciate all the information that you have including sample files and screen shots to help us replicate your problem. This thread has now been locked as the QA team are not following the threads to which this automatic reply is made, which is why we would appreciate a new bug report if you are still have this problem in the current 1.8.3 release build. Patrick Connor Serif Europe Ltd Latest V2 releases on each platform Help make our apps better by joining our beta program! "There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self." W. L. Sheldon
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