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I have a rather complicated curve (skyline of my city) and I wanted to move some nodes to the middle of others: The roof has two very outer nodes and one in the middle at the top (selected in the picture). Can I horizontally center the node somehow? Like selecting the outer ones and then using some snapping maybe? Or something in the alignment panel? I have to do this for plenty of roofs, so anything help would be good. 

Oh and is there a way to keep the Aligment panel open (that would already save me a few clicks ...)



I presume this is Designer?

You can do this using the align tools as you mentioned. Just select the top three nodes (the apex and then the nodes on each side of it, using the shift key to select multiple nodes) then use the alignment tool and choose  'Space horizontally', using 'selection bounds' as the Align to setting. That will centre the top point to the two side ones.


Ah, thanks guys, both super useful tips!


Is there a way to keep the alignment panel open? I realized (and read somewhere on the forums), that if I put the "Align Bottom/Top/Left/Right/etc" buttons on the tool bar, they will always align to the selection, which is not what I want most of the time....

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