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How does one create a fill across MULTIPLE shapes. 

Meaning the SAME fill. 

What I’ve done is created two words of text, and applied a fill (gradient) to it. Then as I converted it to
a shape to further modify the shape, each shape took on the fill of the whole thereby creating their
own individual gradient fills. GRRRRRRRR! Not what I wanted and created a problem where one did
NOT exist, so now I have to fix that just to get to the actual issue I was trying to fix. Grrrrrrrr!

Attitude aside, how do I create the SAME fill the stretches across multiple shapes as it was before I converted it to a shape ? 

Image below is what I’m looking for. Image on the TOP is what I have, Image on the BOTTOM is what I want. 

Just so that we’re clear, the image on the BOTTOM is when the text was all one art text, with a gradient applied to it (which is what I want). 
Image on the TOP is AFTER I had converted the image on the right, to a shape.

I want to maintain or refill the shape with the original gradient fill. 

Is that possible ? 

Grrrrrr, annoyed right now....



  • Staff

Hi MilesXx,

Welcome to the forums :)

When I create artistic text here and apply a gradient to it then convert the text to curves the gradient shows as it does in your 2nd example. Please could you provide a screen recording showing how you got the text into the state shown in your first example?



Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.


It’s doing that because you used the gradient overlay, instead of using the gradient tool to fill the color as a gradient. I’m not sure why, specifically, they would be treated differently, but I just tested with both and when I use the gradient tool it works as you are expecting, but using the gradient overlay fx it works as you are currently experiencing.

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