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Hi there,

I have a 120 page document with an odd/even spread, so have used 2 master pages. I copied master A, edited the resulting master B, and applied one to even pages and one to odd pages.

But, when I look at the file, the odd and even pages are different sizes!

I have cut down the file and attached it here - can anyone tell me:

(1) what I have done wrong, and

(2) how can this be fixed without having to re-do all the text flows!

Many thanks


small file.afpub


Maybe too early for me, but I cannot see any difference in spread size. O.o

Windows 10 | i5-8500 CPU | Intel UHD 630 Graphics | 32 GB RAM | Latest Retail and Beta versions of complete Affinity range installed


Thanks Joachim for responding,

Yes, and when I look at the dialogues (spread and page size) I can't see evidence that they are different, yet:

  • on screen, they look different (see attached screen shot)
  • When I upload the file to Blurb (it is going to be a photo book), either odd pages or either pages (I can't tell which) are scaled, causing the fonts to look different (even though they are the same)

size diff.JPG


The page sizes are the same, but the background elements differ in size on the master pages. Turn on the Preview Mode from the top toolbar (looks like a windscreen wiper) and you'll see that the pages have the same size. Body text size is the same throughout the sample, but the title on page 4 is a little bit bigger. Maybe you changed the font size there manually? If you want, you can override the content of the Master Pages. Seems to be the case here.

Windows 10 | i5-8500 CPU | Intel UHD 630 Graphics | 32 GB RAM | Latest Retail and Beta versions of complete Affinity range installed

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