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According to my (German) manual, I have to choose a colour in the Colour panel in the develop Persona after using the overlay gradient tool. As far as I know I only can find a Colour panel and a colour picker in the Persona and not in the develop Persona. How can I choose a colour in the develop Persona for that gradient overlay?

Kind regards

Carel Richters


Hi Carel :)

The Gradient Overlay tool in Develop Persona doesn't require any colour to be selected, as this Overlay is simply used to isolate a specific area of the RAW file for editing.

Could you please confirm, which manual/page are you referring to?
The following link is the Help File page for using RAW overlays in Affinity Photo -

https://affinity.help/photo/de.lproj/index.html?page=pages/Raw/usingOverlays.html?title=Arbeiten mit Overlays


Hi Dan,

Thank you for the answer. I cann't reply your question of a manual/page referrering to that manual because I bought an ebook at a Dutch internet store.

I onderstand that Overlay is meant to isolate a specific area, but wat can I Ido with it/ If I cannot choose a colour to replace the existing colour. In Persona the isolated area has gone. So I only can isolate it in the developed Persona and can do nothing with it.


No problem at all, I simply wanted to check to see if our Help File required updating :)

I recommend watching the following video on RAW overlays, as it sounds as though you have them confused with the regular gradients -


RAW overlays allow you to select a specific area of the RAW image and only apply an edit within that area (displayed in red over the RAW image). The Overlay Gradient allows you to select an area of your image, usually a sky for example, and the gradient is applied to essentially 'select' that area, and only apply RAW adjustments to this selection.

I hope this clears things up!

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