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I am a newcomer to Affinity Publisher.  I have created a document that is intended to print front-back on two legal size pages (four pages, eight pages when folded not booklet. The program Showa ll four spreads, but when I try to print, it will print only two of the four spreads when set on "entire document".  It acts as if I have set it for "odd pages only" even though "entire doc" is set. Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?  System". Mac OS X current version. Affinity:Publisher:  current version (1.7.3). Printing to HP lM452dw laser printer. 

The only workaround I am able to do is print page individually to PDF then combine them into pairs using Graphic Converter image processing software (which is great, BTW).

I have attached a screenshot of the entire document in thumbnail form, showing the four spreads,  When I print it it will print only the first and third spreads.


Thanks for any counsel.



  • Staff

Hi Lew Phelps and Welcome to the Forums,

Could you attach the .afpub file for this?

Also if you export the whole file to PDF (File>Export>PDF) do you still get missing pages in the exported PDF?

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